girl applying mask on her hair

Natural remedies for blonde hair: so they last and shine


Do you love your shiny golden hair and would you like it to always be at the top? You are in the right place: with these natural remedies for blonde hair, shine and duration are completely guaranteed!

Always bright, healthy, golden and sun-kissed hair? It can be done! Who is already aware of these natural remedies for blonde hair he knows that a pinch of ingenuity (and commitment) is enough to make this beloved but very delicate shade last and make it shine.

Unlike what one might imagine, many of these are not myths or legends at all: our grandmothers (and great-grandmothers) knew how to enhance their beauty using DIY. So let’s dive into their wisdom and … imitate them as much as possible!

Lemon and chamomile juice

Once upon a time there were our haves … who knew how to enhance their hair! To make the blond last really enough few ingredients: a comb, some lemons and some chamomile flowers.

At the time the procedure it was much more complicated than it is now: the chamomile flowers to lighten the hair were left to infuse for several hours, even from the night before.

Today, however, it is quite simple: just a couple of chamomile tea bags, boil a little water, leave to infuse for twenty minutes and, once cooled, mix with the juice of two lemons.

But be careful not to pour everything on the head in a messy way: divide the hair into several strands and start with the tallest ones, applying everything with a cotton swab well impregnated.

Once all the locks are wet, let the hair dry naturally, even better if in the sun: your blond will be truly extraordinary!

Turmeric and ginger wraps

Tricks and ingredients that come from faraway places, which are handed down from generation to generation: have you ever heard of turmeric and ginger wraps?

These two ingredients can be used together or individually and their benefits are truly assured. Let’s see how to use them in detail.

Turmeric and ginger for the well-being of the hair

Let’s start from a small assumption: turmeric and ginger are, in general, real allies for the well-being of hair and more.

These two ingredients have many properties and the advice is to integrate them into one healthy and balanced diet. That said, let’s find out how to make wraps

Ginger pack for the hair

All you need for a great ginger pack is … a ginger root. Just cut it, remove the peel and blend it.

Once blended, the ginger will be applied directly to the hair and also massaged into the scalp. After 15 minutes just rinse and voilà, your blond will be more alive than ever!

Turmeric hair pack

The turmeric wrap, on the other hand, requires a few more steps, because to create a real “elixir of blondness“(pass us the term!) we need:

  • Turmeric for grating;
  • Half a lemon
  • Waterfall;
  • Sweet almond oil.

When you have everything you will have to carefully grate the turmeric in fine parts but not too much. Then you will have to heat the water in a saucepan and gradually add the sweet almond oil and turmeric, keeping the heat low.

After five minutes, making sure that the mixture does not come to a boil, add the half lemon. Apply to the hair strand by strand, dabbing, and leave on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water!

Turmeric and ginger blend for hair

Finally, here’s a super effective blend that blends the two ingredients. To achieve it you need:

  • Turmeric powder;
  • Ginger root;
  • Honey;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Waterfall;
  • Rose water.

Cut and blend the ginger root and, in the meantime, put half a glass of water in a saucepan. Heat it very slowly, over a very low flame. Then add the pureed root to warm water and, gradually, add the turmeric in powder.

Then take the coconut oil and pour in just enough to make the mixture you are making creamy. Add the honey and rose water and then proceed to apply and leave on for about ten minutes.

Shampoo, wheat germ oil and apple cider vinegar

Do you love your shade of blond but can’t give up your favorite shampoo which, perhaps, is not one of the anti-yellow ones (which you should use anyway, keep this in mind)?

Don’t worry, you can find a solution by mixing two exceptional ingredients with your beloved beauty product: apple cider vinegar and wheat germ oil.

Just a teaspoon of one and a teaspoon of the other added in a cup to the usual dose of shampoo you use for the shampoo: the result is guaranteed!

Cinnamon and honey mask

girl applying mask on her hair

The honey and cinnamon mask is also a good solution to make the blonde shine and last. The only small clarification: this mask is suitable for slightly darker shades, tending to ash and / or copper.

The mask has several properties: cinnamon stimulates blood flow, acts as an exfoliant and is also an anti-oxidant, which allows the blond not to turn yellow.

Honey is humectant and lightening, but not only: it nourishes and moisturizes, which makes your blond more alive and luminous. To make this mask, simply mix honey and cinnamon, adding a little warm water if the mixture seems excessively sticky.

At full … beer

Yes, it’s not a legend: even beer makes blondes last and brightens. Just use one nice beer … blonde and wet the hair by pouring it gradually and letting it dry.

But be careful, because the aroma is not exactly the best. The most practical thing to do is to use beer during a day at home and rinse everything after with nourishing and non-aggressive shampoo and conditioner.

Other useful tips

We have talked several times about how to keep the blond shiny and once again we want to spend a few words that go beyond natural remedies to make sure that your hair is always extraordinary.

Blond is in fact a very very delicate color, which requires several specific precautions. In the meantime, remember to nourish the hair with balm and masks and, as we have already said, to use it anti-yellow shampoo.

Also remember that every time you style your hair it is a good idea to use one heat protection spray. Finally, if you are among the lucky ones who are still enjoying a holiday, watch out for entering the pool: always wet your hair first with a little fresh water.


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