
Carrot soap, how to prepare it at home


There are soaps and soaps. Then there is the carrot soap which, we are sure, you have never heard of. But why a carrot soap? Simple, because carrots are vegetables that contain elements that are essential for the beauty of the skin. To begin with, the carrot helps the skin remain elastic, strengthens it and prevents wrinkles. Thanks to vitamin A, carrots protect the skin from external attacks. Vitamin A, which is a natural antioxidant, attacks free radicals, that is, those responsible for aging.

Not only that: Vitamin A stimulates the production of collagen and makes the skin radiant and healthy looking. Not only that: carrots also contain potassium, a mineral that helps keep the skin well hydrated. The antioxidants contained in carrots protect the skin from acne, dermatitis and blackheads. Doesn’t this all sound like good reasons to start washing yourself with carrot soap? Yes to us. Read on after the photo

Using a carrot soap, we will immediately notice a new skin. In case of eczema, carrot soap helps. Then it makes the skin radiant and luminous (but not shiny), it is also perfect for those with very sensitive skin and is also ideal for women who are breastfeeding. Thanks to carrot soap, breastfeeding women find relief (on the skin of the nipple). But how do you prepare this legendary carrot soap? Read on after the photo

Ingredients: water, 2 carrots, a teaspoon of salt, a cup of caustic soda, 3 cups of olive oil, 2 cups of coconut oil and a half of castor oil, 20 drops of ylan ylang essential oil, silicone molds (or wood). Now we can proceed. Know that to make the soap you will have to settle in a ventilated room and wear gloves and glasses (this is because of the caustic soda with which you will not have to come into direct contact). Read on after the photo

Boil the carrots in plenty of water. Then put away the water you will need to make the soap. Mash the carrots with a fork. Put the mixture in a bowl, add the salt and the water in which the carrots were boiled. Then add the caustic soda and mix to mix everything together. Let it cool for an hour and then add the oils. Now the soap can be poured into the molds. Leave to harden for 48 hours, take out of the molds and cut. That’s not all: your soap will need to stay in a ventilated area for 6 weeks. Then, finally, you can use it.

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