Who are Lucrezia, Jessica and Clarissa Hailé Selassié: princesses at the GF VIP


The 2021 edition of Big Brother Vip promises to be a royal edition. Among the participants in the race also Lucrezia, Jessica and Clarissa Hailé Selassié: three real princesses, who complete the cast of the most anticipated reality show of Canale 5.

Who are Jessica, Lucrezia and Clarissa Hailé Selassié

The three royal sisters are of Ethiopian descent, great-grandchildren of thelast emperor of Ethiopia, dethroned in 1974. Fallen nobles, perhaps, but who still do not give up their title, defining themselves “modern princesses“. Beautiful and glamorous, the girls live in Rome and have a lifestyle worthy of their status. Driver, butler, hairdresser: they are served and revered in the round. Lovers of fashion, social evenings and luxury shopping have a certain following on social media, on which they publish their designer looks and accessories.

They are not totally unknown to the world of TV: Jessica, in fact, 25 years old, he participated in Riccanza in 2017, the reality show broadcast on MTV, together with Elettra Lamborghini and Tommaso Zorzi, winner of the GF Vip 5. As a real princess, she revealed that she never took public transport, but always used the driver for her travel: far more comfortable, in his opinion.

Big Brother Vip

From Piazza di Spagna they will have to “go down” to Cinecittà and temporarily abandon the luxury they are used to. The royal sisters will enter the Big Brother House as a only competitor, despite being three people. As happened in other editions, after some time from the beginning of the reality show the separation could occur and therefore they would compete individually.

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