wash your hair clean

Wash your hair, how often should we do it?


Wash your hair, yes, but how often should you do it? A question as simple as it is complicated. And this is because there is no general rule valid for every type of hair. Here, then, are the elements to be evaluated to cleanse and learn how to take care of your hair independently and in the correct way.

Some / i ask for it out of the desire to always have one beautiful, soft and flowing hair. Others, however, to keep it strong and healthy As long as possible. And still others because they simply don’t know. The fact is that, often, we find ourselves wondering how often it is appropriate to wash your hair during the course of the week. And the opinions, often conflicting (and misleading), instead of helping fuel doubts and perplexities. Whether for health or aesthetics, however, the question remains more than legitimate and needs an answer.

For this reason it is good to know all the main notions and the different factors (true or false) that they can affect how often to clean or not your hair. How? Moving away from the main question for a moment to ask others, more specific and targeted. And thus have personalized answers according to your characteristics and which allow you to evaluate independently how many times to wash your hair, to always keep it beautiful and healthy.

Why do you wash your hair?

Before wondering how often to wash your hair during the week, it is important to ask (and know) the why it is necessary and / or appropriate to do so. Our hair, in fact, tends to get dirty and this due to different factors. First of all the sebum production by the sebaceous glands distributed on the skin and which, accumulating, greases the hair.

Secondly, then, on the foliage they can settle dust, pollen and smog, causing it to get dirty and heavy (which is favored when the production or presence of sebum is excessive). For this reason, also taking into account the place where you live (city, mountain, etc.), it is appropriate cleanse the hair more or less frequently. Always keeping them free from impurities and light.

wash your hair clean

How often should you wash your hair?

However, as mentioned at the beginning, there are conflicting opinions regarding the frequency of washing of the foliage, it seems that a assemblage point has been found in saying that you don’t have to wash your hair every day (of course unless they are particularly dirty for various reasons). This is because if cleansing is too frequent it can impoverish the scalp and the hair itself, depriving them of proper hydration and nutrition.

For this reason, it is advisable to wash the hair regularly, but no more than three times a week, alternating the days of cleansing. In order to leave hair breaks between one shampoo and another. And always using targeted products. A relaxation necessary to allow the hair to strengthen and regulate sebum production on the skin. But what exactly is sebum?

hair wash calendar

Sebum: yes or no

As seen, the sebum comes produced by our sebaceous glands and its function is to keep the skin soft and hydrated, defending it from external harmful agents (for example smog). In fact, therefore, it is not something to be eliminated in a hurry from the hair (as is often thought), since it is precisely this substance thathelps keep you shiny and healthy.

Obviously, however, if produced in the right quantities and without becoming excessive. If on the one hand, in fact, too frequent washing can deprive the skin of the necessary sebum, drying and dulling the hair, on the other, when the skin produces too much of it with frequent or aggressive washing, the hair is greasy and dirty. This is why, before deciding whether or not to wash them by setting a weekly frequency, it is good consider the typology of one’s own skin and, of course, that of her hair.

wash hair sebum

What is my hair like?

A fundamental thing to ask yourself before washing frequency, in fact, is what kind of hair is your hair: oily, dry, long, short, dyed or natural, etc. And only after that, evaluate how often to wash your hair. This way, yes it will avoid creating damage to the skin and the hair itself. Preserving both its beauty and, above all, its health.

In general, however, although there is no specific rule, depending on the characteristics of your hair, you could consider following a similar cadence:

  • “normal” hair, every two or three days;
  • dried or damaged, better to opt for longer periods of “rest”, washing the hair even every five days, to allow the natural oils of the scalp to nourish the hair;
  • frizzy, also in this case it is better to opt for long stop times and wash your hair once a week (and without ever forgetting the conditioner);
  • oily hair, given the peculiarity of the hair and the great production of sebum, they can be cleaned even every day but with very delicate products and even just with water;
  • curly or wavy, depending on the thickness of the hair, they can be washed every three / five days;
  • hair thin or fine, this type of foliage needs to always be maintained well cleaned and hydrated. For this it is possible to wash the hair even every two days if necessary.

hair wash types

What products to use to wash your hair?

Obviously without forgetting that, depending on the type of hair, in addition to the frequency it is very important choose the right products. A shampoo that is too aggressive, in fact, instead of cleansing the skin can inflame it. By increasing the production of sebum and, therefore, the speed with which your hair will seem dirty. And thus triggering a deleterious vicious circle.

This is why it is essential evaluate well the products with which to wash your hair. Even asking for advice from a specialist. And without ever going to the savings or the generic. Only in this way can you preserve health of your hair, always giving it strength and beauty. In addition to eliminating the unpleasant feeling of having them heavy or greasy, both to the touch and to the sight.

The important, however, is cleanse the hair thoroughly, no hurry, massaging gently the skin and always using three types of product:

  • shampoo with a well balanced PH, between 5 and 7 (and therefore that in addition to cleaning the hair well it does not attack it);
  • balm which helps soften the hair fibers. Eliminating any knots (to be used always but without exaggerating especially for those with frizzy or dry hair),
  • mask, to be performed once or twice a week (or even every other day). To nourish the hair from root to tip, in a deep way, but without weighing it down.

shampoo hair wash

A few simple notions that, beyond the various advice that you can receive (and which vary according to the personal experience of each one) allow you to independently evaluate which is the most suitable frequency. To wash your hair without damaging it, but obtaining a beautiful and healthy hair, both to see and to touch.


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