
Liquid diet: advantages and disadvantages


Losing weight quickly and effortlessly is anyone’s dream. Well, the liquid diet promises to make your dream come true. It is in fact a diet that not only deflates quickly, but also restores the altered metabolic values. As the name implies, the liquid diet involves taking only liquid foods. Smoothies, centrifuged, fruit and vegetable juices: this is what you consume if you follow the liquid diet. Well, the “catch” had to be there. Rip off, then, so to speak because these drinks are energy and offer the body the nutrients it needs. But, of course, dining with a smoothie is not like dining with a nice slice of meat, this must be admitted.

And consuming 3 to 5 liquid meals may not be satisfying enough for the palate. The liquid diet is a rather extreme diet and before following it it is advisable to ask your doctor for advice. Read on after the photo

The liquid diet does not have a fixed pattern, which is why it lends itself to numerous interpretations. They range from the most permissive ones to the most rigid and demanding ones. In this second case, however, it is good to rely on a specialized structure to prevent the diet from having too great an impact on the person. In fact, we speak of a totally liquid diet or a partially solid diet. The difference? The first excludes any solid food, the second allows integration with snacks or a solid dinner. Read on after the photo

Obviously, with such a regimen you lose weight quickly. But not all that glitters is gold. And in fact, the liquid diet also has several disadvantages. It is an extremely restrictive regimen that allows you to lose weight in a short time but then it is difficult to manage to maintain a healthy weight. It must be said that the results are more lasting in the case of a partially solid diet. Taking light foods such as grilled chicken breast, cod fillet, omelette for dinner would help to maintain a healthy weight. Read on after the photo

Among other disadvantages: the liquid diet lacks some nutrients such as fatty acids and amino acids. This is a very low-calorie diet that should be monitored by your doctor. If you follow this diet and have dizziness, fatigue, gallstones or trouble evacuating, stop it immediately. If, on the other hand, you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid asking your doctor: it is not the diet for you.

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