
February diet to dry the body and lose weight


How about following the “February diet”? The month is upon us and spring is approaching (well, we want to think positively …) and it is the right time to get back into shape and purify the body. With the February diet that we propose you can not only lose weight and therefore dry the body but also eliminate excess toxins from the body. Why the February Diet? February is a special month: in this period the body experiences a transition. The days are getting longer and we are preparing for the summer, on the other hand, however, it is still very cold and therefore we need to consume very caloric foods that, in fact, warm us. The risk?

Obviously getting fat. But we don’t want to get fat because we want to present ourselves in the presence of spring, beautiful and fit. Because we don’t want to make the usual mistake of only thinking about diet when it’s too late. So the February diet is the right solution to lose weight, speed up metabolism, eliminate toxins. Read on after the photo

What does the February diet involve? Lots of vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, which are chock full of vitamins and mineral salts, that is, those substances that purify the body by promoting intestinal transit. Green light, therefore, for Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach. Also perfect are valerian, lettuce, envy and various herbs that promote liver functions. The vegetables should be steamed so that they keep their properties unaltered. Read on after the photo

The perfect dressing for steamed vegetables is raw olive oil. If you are hungry between meals, avoid packaged snacks and opt for raw vegetables, such as fennel or carrots. Don’t forget to also consume pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip, cabbage and artichokes. The February diet also includes the consumption of fruit which, thanks to the vitamin C content, stimulates the immune system. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and kiwis are perfect. But also apples and pears. Read on after the photo

But let’s see in detail what the February diet consists of. In addition to vegetables and fruits, the consumption of lean proteins is expected. Keep in mind that at least twice a week you have to consume fish. Better sole, cod and sardine which are low in calories but tasty. So how does the February diet work? For breakfast, enjoy a seasonal fruit and vegetable smoothie, followed by white yogurt. For lunch, treat yourself to wholemeal pasta with spinach and broccoli, while for dinner a dish like baked sole with oranges or pan-fried chicken with lemon juice is fine.

“Vaporina” diet or steamed diet to lose weight and deflate in a flash


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