who was gianni rodari

Who was Gianni Rodari: life of the Italian writer


Anyone in elementary school had to learn at least one of his nursery rhymes. Through his studies he managed to find a way to revolutionize children’s literature. Here is the story of Gianni Rodari.

Who was Gianni Rodari

Giovanni Francesco Rodari, simply called Gianni (Omegna, 23 October 1920 – Rome, 14 April 1980), was a journalist, children’s writer and educator Italian. He grows up with his father a baker and his mother a saleswoman in the family shop.

The happy childhood is soon interrupted by the death of his father who forces his mother, Gianni and his brother to move to Gavirate.

He resumed schools in the new municipality and by the will of his mother he joined the Catholic seminary of Seveso and then understood that this was not the right choice.

He then enrolls him in the master’s, now known as high school of human sciences.

The beginning of the career between pedagogy and journalism

He then concludes his path with the diploma to become a teacher and becomes a tutor with a family of German Jews. In recent years he understands the importance of school and what are the tools that can make it more enjoyable.

Indeed he understands that in a place that allows children to have fun and use imagination and creativity allows for better learning.

With the beginning of the war, however, he realizes that he cannot accept the fascist ideals and is forced to interrupt his reflections to join the partisans.

who was gianni rodari

In this period he also undertakes the journalistic career for some minor publications such as “Five tips” and then “L’Ordine Nuovo”. In 1947 he started working for “L’Unità” and shortly after he became editor of the “Children’s Sunday” column.

Success at school and his most famous work

Continue to play the role of editor at various publications, however, now accompanying some pedagogical reflections as parallel projects. In fact, his was released in 1951 first book “The Pioneer Handbook”.

Throughout the course of the 60s and 70s he continued with these two activities, moving to different cities. In fact, he spent a fairly long period in Rome and then in Turin where he agreed to work for Giulio Einaudi. In 1973 he published one of his most important texts “Grammar of fantasy”, which immediately became the bible of teachers, educators and parents.

who was gianni rodari

Her pedagogist activity never fails in frontline activities including conferences and meetings in different schools Italians who put him in close contact with teachers and students. He is remembered by all for his literary revolution for children’s texts through stories, poems and nursery rhymes.

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