who is giulia caminito

Who is Giulia Caminito: all about the Roman writer


Together with the writer and winner of the Strega Giovani Prize Edith Bruck, among the five finalists of the Witch Prize 2021 there is also Giulia Caminito with his novel “Lake water is never sweet”. Let’s find out more about the biography and career of the young Roman writer.

Who is Giulia Caminito

Born in Rome in 1988 and grew up on Bracciano Lake north of the Italian capital, Giulia Caminito’s family tree is enriched by a strong cultural affluence that comes directly fromEritrea and who then inspired her to write one of her works. His father is in fact originally from Asmara, the capital, while his grandparents met in Assab, a port city.

Little is known about his personal history except that he earned one Graduation in Political philosophy and her passion for literature led her to debut at the age of 28 in the publishing world.

At the same time as her activity as a writer, Giulia also carries out a collaboration with the Italian newspaper L’Espresso.

Who is Giulia Caminito: the literary debut

And the 2016 when his comes out first novel “La grande A” which tells of family events set in the postcolonial African era. A very courageous and unusual literary effort that has brought her many awards including the Brancati Prize, for the Youth section, the Bagutta Prize, as a first work and the Berto Prize.

The work is dedicated and inspired by the adventurous life of his great grandmother, truck driver, alcohol smuggler, as well as prominent personalities of the Italian communities in Eritrea and Ethiopia.

who is giulia caminito

Who is Giulia Caminito: finalist of the 2021 Strega Prize

After the debut. Giulia Caminito has published other books that have given her the opportunity to juggle different literal genres, such as the two intended for children’s literature “La ballerina e il marinaio” and “Mitiche. Stories of women from Greek mythology ”.

He then also published the story “We watched the altir dance the tango” and two other novels entitled “One day will come” and “The water of the lake is never sweet”, the latter destined to appear among the five finalists of the 2021 Strega Prize and the Campiello Prize. Together with her, in fact, other great protagonists of this edition were also Andrea Bajani, Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Emanuele Trevi and the winner of the Strega Giovani Prize Edith Bruck.

who is giulia caminito

Curiosities about the novel

“The water of the lake is never sweet” is one of Giulia Caminito’s greatest successes which also led her to be among the favorites of the Strega Prize. It is not an autobiographical tale, but as the author herself tells it, it is more than one collection of experiences, which concern herself, and her acquaintances.

In fact, the book mentions the lake, the place where Caminito spent her childhood and there are many references to some particular character facets and anecdotes experienced by herself or by her friends, for example. Furthermore is his first novel written entirely in the first person.

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