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Who is Elisa Pagliarani, general manager of Glovo Italia


He is 31 years old and general manager of one of the fastest growing delivery companies. Elisa Pagliarani entered the Glovo Italy when the startup had about ten employees and contributed to its growth to create the solid company it is today.

If it is true that the future is delivery, a female-led company certainly also has an edge.

Who is Elisa Pagliarani

From food, to drugs to flowers, Glovo is that delivery app based on the so-called q-commerce, where “Q” stands for “quick”, which guarantees deliveries of products and goods within one hour of ordering. Glovo is already available in 200 Italian cities between large towns and small municipalities and is preparing to extend its service.

“We opened our second dark store in Milan and the first in Turin; we aim to have at least 15 in the area by the end of the year and we have planned over 100 recruitments as dedicated staff ”recently declared Elisa Pagliarani, the general manager of Glovo Italia.

But who is it? A degree in Management engineering at the Politecnico di Milano and several years in Vodafone as a project manager in which he has learned the attention and centrality of the customer in every business choice.

Almost by chance he joined Glovo in 2017, a particularly dynamic year for the food delivery sector for the Italian market. He works as Head of Operations and Strategic Project Manager and, today, as General Manager, Pagliarani deals with business development in Italy, from marketing to strategic operations, from commercial development to all legal, public policy and financial issues.

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In addition to his business in Glovo, Pagliarani deals with support for the inclusion of women in the professional careers. He told Forbes:

With the STEMintheCity initiative of the Municipality of Milan we were guests of a high school in Milan. These are wonderful moments because talking directly with the new generations is priceless. As a woman who has done a STEM path (from the English science, technology, engineering and mathematics, ed) I particularly want to encourage boys and girls to follow their dreams in a rational way. What I always say is: learn to read data, math is not just for astro-scientists and there is nothing difficult about it.

But not only. Pagliarani also fought to bring down the tampon tax.

In Glovo from 8 to 15 April we launched the “Tampon tax free week”, Reducing VAT for one week on all sanitary napkins in the dark stores of Turin and Milan. We also delivered 10 thousand sanitary pads free of charge to the non-profit “Village of the mother and the child”, which deals with supporting women in conditions of economic vulnerability. As a company, we will also support the Onde Rosa petition “Stop tampon tax” which has already collected over 600,000 signatures on Change.org

Female empowerment and solidarity, a combo that describes Elisa Pagliarani well.

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