Who is Annalena Baerbock, the German candidate of the Greens


The Greens have chosen their candidate for the next German elections on September 26, the first elections in which she will not stand Angela Merkel after 16 years. It is about Annalena Baerbock who, according to polls, has a 22% preference and could become Germany’s youngest chancellor.

Who is Annalena Baerbock

In internal consultations, it outperformed its competitor Robert Habeck, with whom he has shared the leadership of the party for the past 3 years. Annalena Baerbock is the candidate of the German Greens and the polls give her just 7 points from the conservative CDU-CSU coalition. The decision arrived yesterday morning even if formally the decision will have to be confirmed on 13 June. Born in 1980, Baerbock was born in Pattensen, in Lower Saxony.

She graduated in 2004 with a degree in political science from the University of Hamburg and in 2005 a master’s degree in international law from London School of Economics and Political Science.

In that year he enrolled in the Green Party, holding various positions over time as a spokesperson for climate change for the parliamentary group from 2013 to 2017 and a member of the Commission for Economic Affairs and Energy. Baerbock has sat in Parliament since 2013 as a representative of the area in which he lives, Brandenburg, before being voted as co-chair in 2018.

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Annalena Baerbock has a reputation for being as talented as she is tough and ambitious. Over time she made herself known thanks to her calm and decisive speeches but also for her close contacts with the German industry. His election as co-leader of the party and the fact that at this moment one of the most important female figures in world politics is leaving the scene help to give Baerbock among the preferred chancellors candidates.

The choices of the main parties have all fallen on men but the Greens, always close to gender equality, want to give a different signal. Annalena Baerbock represents the female leadership the political context needs: it is progressive and decisive, it has environmental issues at heart and for this it proposes a system socio-ecological which has as a priority the exit by 2030 from the use of fossil coal for energy supply and for vehicles. If elected, she will also be the youngest Chancellor in the history of Germany.

I have never been chancellor or minister, it is true. But I am fighting for change. Others think about maintaining the status quo

These are the declarations taking the field in Berlin. We just have to wait for the outcome of September.

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