lol who laughs is out why look

LOL – who laughs is out: why watch the comedy show on Prime Video?


If you have already taken a look at the Amazon Prime Video catalog of April 2021, you will surely have seen that a brand new format is available, a sort of comedy-game show, LOL: who laughs is out, where the only rule is not to laugh for no reason in the world.

Let’s see below why, according to psychology, it is necessary to look at it at all costs.

LOL – who laughs is out: why watch the comedy show

Starting from the acronym “LOL” or “laughinhg out loud” or “lots of laughs”, you can understand what it is. The premise is therefore already inviting: it will make you laugh and laugh a lot! But of course there is also the caveat: competitors must not laugh at all, because otherwise they are eliminated.

But imagine that you are participants together with a Lillo, a Pintus or a Frank Matano, and we want to talk about talented women like Caterina Guzzanti: how can you not laugh? Impossible, or almost! And so, think again because, as psychology says, laughing is good for your health.

Laughing is good for your health

If psychology says so, then we must all believe it: laughing is good and therapeutic. While it might seem like it, it’s no joke: laughing is considered a real therapy to all effects. The benefits are immediate and multiple: lower indeed the level of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, thus increasing the endorphins that allow you to be in a good mood.

But that’s not all: continue to contract and relax the facial muscles it helps to relax and dissolve all kinds of tension, it is just as if laughing we release the accumulated tension.

On top of that, a good laugh is therapeutic and lifesaving especially in this period, after a year of quarantines and privations of all kinds. Laughing takes us to another dimension, it allows us to put our life and our problems on standby. It relaxes and distracts us, removes stress and worries, leaving us free and carefree, even if for a short time.

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