giulia latorre lifeguard

Giulia Latorre is a lifeguard: the daughter of the marò Massimiliano works by the sea


His name is inextricably linked to that of his father Massimiliano, one of the marines who became famous following the “Enrica Lexie case”: today Giulia Latorre is a lifeguard on the beach and refuses the advances of men, informing them about his homosexuality.

Giulia Latorre: lifeguard profession

Giulia Latorre is the daughter of Massimiliano, one of the two marò, together with Salvatore Caltagirone, arrested by the Indian authorities in 2012. Their affair, for years, held court in Italy and in the world and officially ended in July 2020 when the two soldiers were granted functional immunity.

Maximilian’s daughter is a girl with a very strong character, which is reflected in his life choices.

Lover of thrills and adrenaline, he practices all kinds of extreme sports.

But what is your profession? Until summer 2020 she worked as a lifeguard on a tower of the Lido of San Pietro in Bevagna, in the province of Taranto.

A profession, hers, which has often made her the object of male advances, which she has always declined, given hers declared homosexuality. From his rescue turret, in costume and long loose hair, he attracted the attention of many.

Coming out in 2016

The strong character of Giulia Latorre came out in the open also in 2016, the year in which a loud voice he declared his homosexuality. At the time, the story of the marines was still in full swing, but this did not prevent the young Latorre from fight for the rights of everyone.

The coming out took place on Facebook, through a open letter written on the page “HomophobiaStop“, in which he defended civil unions, reaffirming the sacrosanct right of homosexuals to be happy. This also caused some lesbianphobic comments and attitudes towards him.

giulia latorre lifeguard

Aspirations for the future

Giulia Latorre’s future goes in two different directions: the entertainment world and the Armed Forces. In fact, he declared that he did not disdain the television world at all. She presented herself to the auditions for the Big Brother, in which however it was not taken and gave up Men and women to enter the Marina.

giulia latorre lifeguard

On the one hand, therefore, the desire to join the Armed Forces, especially the Carabinieri; on the other, the desire to get involved in front of an audience.

Only time will reveal which of the two paths will prevail or if the Latorre will be able to unite the two worlds.

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