We all want a flat stomach like a surfboard. But then we look in the mirror and realize that we are far from our goal. We try to be consistent and hit the gym but nothing seems to work. Indeed, it seems that the universe conspires against us and against our fat. No, don’t get discouraged: there is a way to deflate your belly naturally. Actually, there is more than one way. For sure, to get a flat and deflated abdomen, sport is the number one remedy.
But certainly you will not see results in a short time: with sport you have to calculate at least a month before seeing something. Water is undoubtedly one of the remedies that can help you have a flat stomach. In addition to purifying the body, water stimulates diuresis, eliminates cellulite and makes the stomach flat and the skin radiant. It should be drunk naturally, at least one and a half liters a day. Read on after the photo
Fiber is good for a swollen belly. But also for the lazy intestine and digestive problems. Instead of regular pasta, choose wholemeal pasta, eat fruit with the peel and also include lots of raw vegetables in your diet. If you really don’t like going to the gym, why not do 30 minutes of walking every day? Walking will make you feel better about yourself, it will help you burn calories and also help deflate your legs and abdomen. Read on after the photo
Very important for a flat stomach, even if you might never have said it, is the breath. Take deep breaths, contracting and relaxing your diaphragm. Avoid holding your breath, and most importantly, if you can, try to quit smoking. Those who dream of a flat stomach must have a regular life, eat regular meals by consuming the right foods. Do you know the saying a king’s breakfast, a prince’s lunch and a poor man’s dinner? Here it is. Read on after the photo
If you dream of a flat stomach, dried fruit is your friend. A handful a day is enough to get you full of vitamins and to reduce the sense of hunger. Remember to choose the one without salt otherwise you just get worse. Even proper massages help drain and reduce abdominal fat. Remember to always use a good moisturizing and elasticizing cream to avoid the formation of stretch marks. How to do the massages? Small circular movements on the stomach are enough after a shower.
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