
Ecology: the best documentaries on Netflix


On Netflix there are numerous documentaries available that address the issue of ecology and sustainability: from plastic in the oceans to the excessive waste of the food industry, which ones to watch absolutely.

Ecology Documentaries on Netflix

It is not enough just to proclaim an Earth Day to be attentive to the environment.

It is something you must be careful of every day in every gesture you make, starting from the choice of detergent for washing clothes in the washing machine to not throwing cigarette butts everywhere. Especially in recent years generations of young children are becoming considerably aware of ecology also thanks to the movements and protests linked to the very young activist Greta Thunberg.

In order to be good ecologists and to respect and safeguard the environment effectively, you must first understand what you are talking about.

Learn more about nature, its trends but also and above all the harmful effects that man has on it: from plastics and microplastics in the oceans to unbridled consumerism. In fact, even buying a simple package of chicken breast at the supermarket has devastating effects: where will the plastic used for packaging go? Under what conditions were the chickens raised and what did they eat? How much environmental impact does a farm have?

Many answers can be obtained by inquiring about the subject also through the vision of the numerous and interesting ones documentaries that the Netflix streaming platform offers in its catalog.

Ecology Documentaries on Netflix: Nature and the Ocean

Learning about nature is the first step to fully respecting it. The documentary in TV series format is perfect for this purpose Our planet to watch on Netflix. The British nature docu-series has been released since 2019, conceived by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey in collaboration with the WWF. Leading it the unmistakable voice of David Attenborough. It is the first Netflix production of a nature documentary and describes various species of animals shot in their natural habitat: from the sea to fresh water, from the jungle to the desert. Unique and rare species that must be protected at all costs.

A Plastic Ocean instead it is a documentary directed by the Australian journalist Craig Leeson investigating the impact on the marine ecosystem of plastic discharged into the sea. The journalist, a lover of the sea, was starting to shoot a documentary on blue whales in Sri Lanka but found himself in a sea of ​​plastic. Hence the idea of ​​producing a documentary on the subject to raise awareness.

The documentary is also available from March 2021 Seaspiracy, which has attracted great attention worldwide. In the docu-film, unprecedented themes such as the impact of fishing on the sea are tackled: the plastic debris (including ghost nets) that pollute the sea comes mainly from commercial fishing.

Ecology documentaries on Netflix: human damage

The documentary is also available on Netflix Cowspiracy – The secret of the environmental sustainability which addresses the issue of the impact of the food industry and livestock on our planet. Deforestation, immense consumption of water, waste of resources: these are some of the consequences of our diet. A gem: the manufacturer is Leonardo Dicaprio.


Actor Di Caprio is very committed to the ecological issue and has also produced another documentary available on Netflix, Before The Flood, in which he addresses the issue of climate change, its causes and consequences.

READ ALSO: What to watch on Netflix in April 2021

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