Sunday live pierpaolo pretelli son

Sunday Live, Pierpaolo Pretelli brings his son to the studio: Ariadna Romero’s reaction


On April 18, Pierpaolo Pretelli was a guest, together with son Leonardo, by Barbara D’Urso on Sunday Live arousing many controversies, also arising from the words of the child’s mother, the model Ariadna Romero.

Pierpaolo Pretelli and his son on Sunday Live

Pierpaolo Pretelli, on April 18, was a guest with his son almost 4 years old, from Barbara D’Urso to Domenica Live.

During the interview with the former velino and former gieffino, a clip of Giulia Salemi, Pretelli’s current girlfriend (known inside the Big Brother house last winter), who confessed to having met little Leonardo and to have established a beautiful relationship with him.

Subsequently, the presenter’s desire was to ask the baby Pretelli a few questions. However, everything did not go as hoped.

Little Leo’s shyness

D’Urso would have liked to interview Leonardo, so much so that the little one was equipped with a microphone.

However, this was not possible as the child, understandably awed by the cameras and from the studio lights, did not utter a word.

Little did the presenter’s ploy to get him an ice cream microphone. From the mouth of baby Pretelli only a few very shy “yes” came out.

A scene that did not please many viewers, who have seen in the desire to make a show and to appear a lack of sensitivity and empathy towards the child, visibly intimidated.

Sunday live pierpaolo pretelli son

Ariadna Romero’s reaction

Apparently, the mother of little Leonardo, model Ariadna Romero, did not agree with the television host very much of the son.

The model first shared on Instagram stories unflattering words from a viewer about what happened during the broadcast. Subsequently he also wanted to give his opinion through a long vent. Between the lines you can read how Romero was not completely in agreement in giving Leonardo to meal in the limelight, but that for the sake of serenity, she preferred to take a step back and leave the decision to her father.

Sunday live pierpaolo pretelli son

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