
Training at home in the time of the coronavirus

We weren’t aware of how crazy our daily routine was until the coronavirus invaded our lives and turned them upside down. From one day to the next we found ourselves walled up inside the house, without the possibility of going out shopping, going to the gym to unload, going for an aperitif with a friend to tell each other the secrets. Everything we’ve ever done (and complained about) was suddenly taken away from us and now we’re struggling to get it back.

In the meantime, to avoid arriving completely brutalized and with 10 kilos more on April 3rd, we don’t stop training. Of course, doing it yourself at home is not the best. But with the right motivation and positive thinking we will make it. Here are some tips to train at home and boost the mood hormone that seems to be at rest these days. Exercising is important because it speeds up your metabolism and burns more calories even at rest. Read on after the photo

As soon as you wake up, drink a nice cup of warm water that will cleanse all your organs then move on to gymnastics (yes, it should preferably be done on an empty stomach). Find a quiet area in the house, don’t look at your cell phone, and focus on the moment all to yourself. You may also find the jump rope, rubber band, weights and the unstable platform for isometries useful. Obviously, if you have an exercise bike, rowing machine and treadmill at home, that’s better for you. At this point, connect to the internet and search YouTube for the type of training that best suits your needs. Read on after the photo

If, on the other hand, you are used to going to the gym, ask your personal trainer for a card you can do at home. Alternatively, you could download a fitness app since there are so many on the net. You will then be able to choose the training you prefer based on your level and your needs. If you really are a fighting lazy person, here are a few simple exercises you can do every day to stay in shape as much as you can. In the meantime, we do not drop the buttocks and do about thirty squats every day. Feet slightly wider than the hips, lower as if trying to sit on a chair and stand up. If you do it with a weight, even better. Read on after the photo

To have sculpted side abdominals do this exercise: bend on one side and then the other alternately. Do this exercise 20 times (per side) and hold bottles in your hand to make it more strenuous. The front plank is also an exercise for the abdominals. Rest on your elbows, and support yourself with your toes. Stand straight like a bench without hunching your back. Do this for one minute a day and at the end of the quarantine you will have abs like Canalis. Almost.

Bye-bye abdominal bloating, like having a flat stomach with practically no fatigue

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